Valid site for ranking programming languages

There are many programming language rating websites on the internet, but which one is reliable?

Thank you.

No one because no page is really objective.

All programming languages have their pro and cons. There is no one better then the other.


Thank you so much for your reply.
I mean is job market.

It will be hard for a site to be accurate about “job market”… what do you consider part of the market? Jobs people have? (well that doesnt tell you much if they never change jobs…)
Jobs available? (Very fluid information that changes regularly, so a fully accurate site based on listings they have may be inaccurate in a matter of days or weeks)
If a listing has multiple languages listed, how does the site consider it?

Rating is subjective. Quantitative numbers are hard to produce and/or subject to potentially rapid change.

So which one is reliable? Probably none on such a broad scope as “the job market”.

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Thank you so much for your reply.
For example, which programming language has the most job opportunities?

Where? In what sort of environment?

The answer for me working a 9-5 in an office in the US, is going to be vastly different than you working out of your home in another country.

This is exactly what I want. A website that tells me which programming language has the most jobs in which country.

LinkedIn. But you’ll have to do your own digging to figure the numbers out.

Best chance to get a good job is to be able to transfer your developing knowledge to nearly any programming language.
I am developing software for over 45 years now and i have learned over 10 different languages in that years.
Times are changing. 20 years ago web developing was done only in PHP. Today the most popular is python and in 5 years it might be some completely different.
20 years ago web applications were rare. Over 90% of the software was client software. No need for internet connections at all. No need to think about cyber security. You were able to develop even without any internet connection, justly reading a book.
Not imaginable these days. Today 90% are web applications and you need to have complete different skills to create secure software. These skills are the same on any programming language.

Also, if you go the most popular way, you will never be paid well. As a python developer you have to challenge with millions of Indian developers who work for 1/100 of what we need just to pay our rent in Germany.


Great point. 20 years ago some of the highest paid programmers were SAP developers, because it was critical to big companies and few people wanted to learn how to do it.

Heh. 20 years ago I worked for a large company, and my job was “Cyberspace Police”.

Glad you understand what I mean. Therefore, web programming languages are more widely used. So why are C, C++ and Rust-Lang are so popular? They are not for the web!

But they are used for automotive, embedded etc. and that’s another big market.

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As @thallius mentioned, these languages are not the first you think of as web development languages, but can sure be used creating a web site. The website for Rust,, is built using the Rust programming language itself. This is evident from the content and the focus on Rust’s capabilities, including its use for web development and integration with WebAssembly. And a relative to these languages is used a lot for web development (Go)

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But what an entry on a CV…

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ComputerWorld and InfoWorld are news businesses that existed before the internet existed (as newspapers). They are certainly valid sites worth consulting.

The most in-demand (and valuable) programming languages – Computerworld

Java, Python top most wanted list for employers | InfoWorld

I think TechRepublic is good too, see Top 10 programming languages employers want.

No one mentioned Java but if you were to search the internet then you will definitely find many (probably all) articles putting Java among the top.

You did not define ranking. Is the ranking for getting a first job or for the highest salary? Or is the ranking for how well designed the language is? Or how popular it is? Ranking also depends on the industry. The most popular language for server-side applications would be different from desktop applications and they are different for embedded systems.

I really doubt that.

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Thank you for all the answers.
Is it really difficult to decide to choose a language?
@Thallius said something interesting. When a programming language is popular, then many people use it and its salary is likely to decrease. On the other hand, popularity makes that programming language have more libraries, less bugs and…
I really like to choose languages ​​like Scala-Lang, Elixir-Lang, Ocaml and Clojure, but my concern is job opportunities and problems of these languages. I have even heard that artificial intelligence may destroy jobs such as web design, regular programming, etc.

Java is among the most popular languages and among the highest paying.

When a programming language is not popular then, as you say, there are fewer opportunities and there might be less job protection. If a company uses a relatively obscure language and then the company chooses to use a different language then your knowledge of the less popular language will become less useful for them. You might be able to use it as an opportunity to learn the otehr language.

  • TIOBE Index
  • PYPL Popularity of Programming Language Index
  • RedMonk Programming Language Rankings
  • Stack Overflow Developer Survey

Determining the reliability of programming language rating websites can be challenging as each site may have its biases or methodologies. However, some popular and respected sites include TIOBE Index, Stack Overflow Developer Survey, and GitHub’s annual State of the Octoverse report. These sources aggregate data from various metrics such as job postings, community activity, and code repositories to provide a broad perspective on language popularity and trends. It’s advisable to cross-reference multiple sources for a more comprehensive understanding.