PHP - Security

Preparing For A Kubernetes Job Interview? We’ve Got You
Preparing For A Kubernetes Job Interview? We’ve Got You
Matt Mickiewicz
Are Bitwise Operators Still Relevant in Modern PHP?
Are Bitwise Operators Still Relevant in Modern PHP?
Bruno Skvorc
How to Defend Your Website with Zip Bombs
How to Defend Your Website with Zip Bombs
Christian Haschek
Poka Yoke – Saving Projects with Hyper-Defensive Programming
Poka Yoke – Saving Projects with Hyper-Defensive Programming
Bert Ramakers
How to Choose a DDoS Protection Service for Your Websites
How to Choose a DDoS Protection Service for Your Websites
Dino Londis
Family CRMs, Guzzle Wrappers and PHP Machine Learning? Sourcehunt!
Family CRMs, Guzzle Wrappers and PHP Machine Learning? Sourcehunt!
Bruno Skvorc
How to Search on Securely Encrypted Database Fields
How to Search on Securely Encrypted Database Fields
Scott Arciszewski
How to Scan Fingerprints with Async PHP and React Native
How to Scan Fingerprints with Async PHP and React Native
Christopher Pitt
What? Why Would Someone Hack My Small Business Website?
What? Why Would Someone Hack My Small Business Website?
Oliver Sild
Easily Add Social Logins to Your App with Socialite
Easily Add Social Logins to Your App with Socialite
Reza Lavarian
How to Secure Laravel Apps with 2FA via SMS
How to Secure Laravel Apps with 2FA via SMS
Younes Rafie
Quick Tip: LetsEncrypt “server” error fix on Ubuntu 16.04
Quick Tip: LetsEncrypt “server” error fix on Ubuntu 16.04
Bruno Skvorc
Testing Frenzy – Can We BDD Test the Units?
Testing Frenzy – Can We BDD Test the Units?
Bruno Skvorc
Social Logins with – Log in with Anything, Anywhere
Social Logins with – Log in with Anything, Anywhere
Memi Allamani
Let’s Kill the Password! Magic Login Links to the Rescue!
Let’s Kill the Password! Magic Login Links to the Rescue!
Christopher Vundi
The Delicious Evils of PHP
The Delicious Evils of PHP
Christopher Pitt
What Would You Pay to Make 27% of the Web More Secure?
What Would You Pay to Make 27% of the Web More Secure?
Bruno Skvorc
2FA in Laravel with Google Authenticator – Get Secure!
2FA in Laravel with Google Authenticator – Get Secure!
Christopher Thomas
Phpseclib: Securely Communicating with Remote Servers via PHP
Phpseclib: Securely Communicating with Remote Servers via PHP
Viraj Khatavkar
Can We Have Static Types in PHP without PHP 7 or HHVM?
Can We Have Static Types in PHP without PHP 7 or HHVM?
Younes Rafie
Sourcehunt: PHP7-Only Alternative to Laravel, HPKP, and More
Sourcehunt: PHP7-Only Alternative to Laravel, HPKP, and More
Bruno Skvorc
Using Halite for Privacy and Two-Way Encryption of Emails
Using Halite for Privacy and Two-Way Encryption of Emails
Miguel Ibarra Romero
Drupal 8 Entity Validation and Typed Data Explained
Drupal 8 Entity Validation and Typed Data Explained
Daniel Sipos
Control User Access to Classes and Methods with Rauth
Control User Access to Classes and Methods with Rauth
Bruno Skvorc
How to Consume Laravel API with AngularJS
How to Consume Laravel API with AngularJS
Francesco Malatesta
How to Build an API-Only JWT-Powered Laravel App
How to Build an API-Only JWT-Powered Laravel App
Francesco Malatesta
Easier Authentication with Guard in Symfony 3
Easier Authentication with Guard in Symfony 3
Daniel Sipos
Randomness in PHP – Do You Feel Lucky?
Randomness in PHP – Do You Feel Lucky?
Nicola Pietroluongo
Watch: Prevent Brute Force Attacks on a Login Page
Watch: Prevent Brute Force Attacks on a Login Page
Lami Adabonyan
Removing the Pain of User Authorization with Sentinel
Removing the Pain of User Authorization with Sentinel
Younes Rafie
Re-introducing PDO – the Right Way to Access Databases in PHP
Re-introducing PDO – the Right Way to Access Databases in PHP
Parham Doustdar
Validating your data with Respect Validation
Validating your data with Respect Validation
Younes Rafie
Showing 32 of 33
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