It is a concise and yet detailed enough reference to have as a handy development partner. Thanks Jens.
In Upgrade Your HTML III, HTML and CSS optimizer Jens Oliver Meiert takes 10 additional HTML examples from real websites to analyze, explain, and improve the respective markup.
Upgrade Your HTML is the book series for HTML craftspeople and minimalists. It stands for everything that leads to more effective and efficient use of HTML.
In Upgrade Your HTML III, HTML and CSS optimizer Jens Oliver Meiert takes 10 additional HTML examples from real websites to analyze, explain, and improve the respective markup.
Apart from discussing the appropriate use and subtleties of HTML elements, this edition touches on code consistency, class use, bundler output, but also poem markup, link types,—and even declaration repetition.
“[The purpose of the book is to] use judgement in adding ‘features’ into your code and even to reconsider what you might have used for no good reason, or for reasons that are no more valid.”—Jukka K. Korpela
Jens Oliver Meiert is an author based in Hamburg, Germany. A contributor to several web standards, the architect of Google’s first HTML/CSS frameworks, and a reviewer and writer for O’Reilly, he’s also a web developer of international experience. Jens works with the tension between aspiration and curiosity, between doing things well but also just trying them—which is why he writes about topics other than web development, and also publishes independently. For more about Jens, see meiert.com.
It is a concise and yet detailed enough reference to have as a handy development partner. Thanks Jens.
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