Basic, well written. Great place to start.
Flexible, adaptable, and very well supported, WordPress is an amazing CMS. Guiding you through installation, setup, accounts, themes, security and much more, this is a comprehensive book to get up and running with WordPress in a week.
WordPress is by far the most popular CMS in the world, packed with features and functionality. What's more, it's extremely flexible, and has a very active community of people developing plugins, themes, tools and more. In this book, we'll cover the basics and to get you up to speed with using WordPress. It contains:
This book is suitable for anyone with a little HTML and CSS experience (except for a short section of Chapter 4; it discusses the Pages API, which requires basic PHP).
This book is suitable for anyone with a little HTML and CSS experience (except for a short section of Chapter 4; it discusses the Pages API, which requires basic PHP).
Basic, well written. Great place to start.
I like and it is very interesting work
A very interesting approach to learn the basics if WordOress. I like it that there is an important part about security and backup. The part about th3ees is only informative but most is not for a beginner.
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