How to Spice up Your Slack Channel with Hubot

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Hubot is an open source CoffeeScript bot, that can monitor and respond to commands through a variety of chat room applications. As GitHub proudly claims, “it can help to dramatically improve and reduce employee efficiency” (depending how you use it). In this article we’ll get Hubot set up, integrate it with Slack, and show off both the improved and reduced efficiency we can enjoy from the fruits of our labor.

What Can Hubot Do?

The only limit to Hubot is your own imagination. However, it is important to realize that although you can do just about anything with Hubot, the bigger question becomes, should you? From posting images, translating languages, sending reminders of upcoming birthdays, to building a report of your team’s latest activity. Hubot has a plethora of abilities through a very robust message system and well placed hooks.

Up and Running

So let’s get Hubot up and running. For this, we’ll need Node.js installed, as well as npm (Node’s package manager). If you’re unsure how to do this, then check out our tutorial: A Beginner’s Guide to npm.

Next install the following packages globally:

  • hubot — the Hubot framework
  • coffee-script — Hubot’s scripts are written in CoffeeScript
  • yo — a CLI tool for running Yeoman generators
  • generator-hubot — a Yeoman generator for creating your own chatbot using the Hubot framework

You can do this with the following command:

npm install -g hubot coffee-script yo generator-hubot

Then, we’ll need to create a directory to house our new friend and run the aforementioned Yeoman generator.

mkdir test-bot && cd test-bot
yo hubot

If all has gone well, Hubot will pop up and ask you some questions. Enter your name, the new bot’s name and description. You can leave the adapter as campfire. Before exiting it’ll create a bunch of files.

Screenshot of running Hubot generator

Now run bin/hubot to initiate your new bot.

A Test Run

To see what your new bot can do, run:

<bot_name> help

test-bot> ship it - Display a motivation squirrel
test-bot adapter - Reply with the adapter
test-bot animate me  - The same thing as `image me`, except adds a few parameters to try to return an animated GIF instead.
test-bot echo  - Reply back with 
test-bot help - Displays all of the help commands that test-bot knows about.
test-bot help  - Displays all help commands that match .
test-bot image me  - The Original. Queries Google Images for  and returns a random top result.
test-bot map me  - Returns a map view of the area returned by `query`.
test-bot mustache me  - Searches Google Images for the specified query and mustaches it.
test-bot mustache me  - Adds a mustache to the specified URL.
test-bot ping - Reply with pong
test-bot pug bomb N - get N pugs
test-bot pug me - Receive a pug
test-bot the rules - Make sure test-bot still knows the rules.
test-bot time - Reply with current time
test-bot translate me  - Searches for a translation for the  and then prints that bad boy out.
test-bot translate me from  into   - Translates  from  into . Both  and  are optional

Wow! Ok, let’s try one of those out:

test-bot translate me from German into English Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz


test-bot> The German "Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz" translates as "Beef labeling monitoring delegation law" in English


So Hubot works. Feel free to play around some more before moving on to the next step.

Integrating Hubot with Slack

Slack is a team collaboration tool which offers persistent chat rooms, as well as private groups and direct messaging. Slack is also SitePoint’s tool of choice to facilitate collaboration between its contributors, who are based all over the world. Let’s integrate our bot with Slack.

The first thing we need to do is install the Slack adapter in our project:

npm install hubot-slack --save

Once that is done, open your Slack Team page and go to the “Configure Integrations” area. Find the Hubot integration and click “Add”. Slack will ask you to designate a username for your bot. I choose Jarvis and Tars for the two bots I created for the Sitepoint Forum Staff.

Once the username is provided, Slack will create an account on your team with that username and assign it an API token. It is very important that you keep this API token a secret, so do not check it into your git repository. You’ll also have the option to customize your bot’s icon, first and last name, what it does, and so forth.

With the API token in hand, we can now start our bot locally using the following command:


This will log your bot into Slack so that you are able to talk to it there. Try it out by running the above command, visiting the #general channel (Hubot uses this by default) and issuing a command such as:

<bot_name> pug me

Note: Once you’re done experimenting locally, it is a good idea to move your bot somewhere more permanent (such as Heroku). There are plenty of good guides on how to do this and I won’t be covering it here.

Where to Find Pre-built Scripts

You can find a variety of scripts to pair with your Hubot at the npm website using the keyword “hubot-scripts”. All of these scripts can be added to your bot using the npm command with its --save parameter.

Let’s try it out with a script that fetches random cat images. What fun! Run:

npm install hubot-catme --save

Then add hubot-catme to your external-scripts.json file:


Start the bot locally (as above), then visit #general and enter:

<bot_name> cat me with funny

If all goes well, your bot should pull a random, yet amusing, cat picture from the Internet.

Building a Script to Reduce Employee Efficiency

There are a lot of ways to reduce your efficiency with Hubot, from using pug bombs to building a script that randomly chooses a response (sometimes comical) when given a command. The latter, is the one that we’ll focus on in this article which is part of Jarvis’s programming.

I’ll illustrate this using the following script, named Place this file inside your scripts directory.

# Description:
#   Which is Better?
# Dependencies:
#   None
# Configuration:
#   None
# Commands:
#   hubot which is better[?] <text> or <text>?
#   hubot who is better[?] <text> or <text>?
#   hubot which is worse[?] <text> or <text>?
#   hubot who is worse[?] <text> or <text>?
# Author:
#   cpradio

uhh_what = [
    "I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you",
    "Answering that would be a matter of national security",
    "You can't possibly compare them!",
    "Both hold a special place in my heart"

module.exports = (robot) ->
  robot.respond /(which|who) is (better|worse)\?* (.*) or (.*?)\??$/i, (msg) ->
    choosen_response = msg.random [1..5]
    if choosen_response >= 3
      msg.send msg.random uhh_what
      msg.send "Clearly #{msg.match[choosen_response + 2]} is #{msg.match[2]}"

At the top of the script is our base template of comments. Here you can specify a description of what the script is intended to do, which dependencies it has and how it can be configured. It’s also important to include the commands that people can use to interact with your script.

A little further down, we find a line with module.exports = (robots) -> which is where your Hubot instructions will live.

The next part uses the .respond method to listen for a specific command directed at your bot. All of the hearing and responding methods take a regular expression as their input. When that regular expression finds an applicable match, the logic associated to the .hear and .respond commands is invoked.

In this case, I choose .respond, because I want Hubot to respond to a direct command. If I wanted it to respond even when the command isn’t directed at him, I would use .hear

In this instance, the regular expression is matching on the phrase ‘which is better’, ‘who is better’, ‘which is worse’, and ‘who is worse’ followed by two options.

robot.respond /(which|who) is (better|worse)\?* (.*) or (.*?)\??$/i, (msg) ->

The next statement chooses a random number 1 through 5. If the number chosen is greater than or equal to 3, it will use one of the responses stored in the uhh_what array to send to the user, otherwise, it will select the appropriate first or second option the user provided as part of its response.

choosen_response = msg.random [1..5]
if choosen_response >= 3
  msg.send msg.random uhh_what
  msg.send "Clearly #{msg.match[choosen_response + 2]} is #{msg.match[2]}"

To test this, start up Hubot using:


You’ll then be able to test out your script inside Slack using:

<bot_name> who is better? Bill Gates or Steve Jobs?

Or you can get a bit more creative as shown below.

Output of 'who is better'

Building a Script to Improve Employee Efficiency

The main reason I implemented Hubot wasn’t necessarily to detract from valuable conversations, in fact, that is why Jarvis, our fun loving bot is restricted to our #random channel, but rather, I wanted to automate some tasks we staff use on a regular basis. With that goal in mind, Tars was born and he lives in the Team Leader private group to help us look up forum statistics.

One statistic every Team Leader needs to know is, who has been present recently and who hasn’t. Tars’ script provides this insight.

# Description:
#   Query Discourse for Group Information
# Dependencies:
#   None
# Configuration:
# Commands:
#   hubot show <group> group info [from discourse]
# Author:
#   cpradio

last_checkin_date = new Date();
dif = (last_checkin_date.getDay() + 6) % 7;
last_checkin_date = new Date(last_checkin_date - dif * 24*60*60*1000);

module.exports = (robot) ->
  robot.respond /show (.+) group info( from discourse)?/i, (res) ->
    groupname = res.match[1]
    user_url = process.env.HUBOT_DISCOURSE_URL + "/groups/#{encodeURIComponent(groupname)}/members.json"
    .get() (err, _, body) ->
      return res.send "Sorry, the tubes are broken." if err
        data = JSON.parse(body.toString("utf8"))
        checkin_date_str = last_checkin_date.toDateString()
        output = "Discourse Info: #{groupname} (last check-in date: #{checkin_date_str})\r\n"
        for own key, user of data.members
          username = user.username
          last_seen = new Date(user.last_seen_at)

          last_seen_as_date = new Date(last_seen)
          checked_in = last_seen_as_date > last_checkin_date
          checked_in_str = if checked_in then "(checked in)" else "(not checked in)"
          prefix_suffix = if checked_in then "" else "*"

          output += "     #{prefix_suffix}User #{username} was last seen on #{last_seen} #{checked_in_str}#{prefix_suffix}\r\n"
        res.send output
      catch e
        res.send "Discourse data for #{groupname} group is unavailable."

Similar to the previous example, this one also has the comments filled out. This command is to be used by various members and knowing how to run the command is important. Secondly, there needs to be an environment variable configured for this command to function, so that is listed as well.

In this example, I simply need Tars to respond to a direct command of tars show {group_name} group info where {group_name} matches a group established in the Discourse forum (note: it must have a public page listing its group members for this to work).

groupname = res.match[1]
user_url = process.env.HUBOT_DISCOURSE_URL + "/groups/#{encodeURIComponent(groupname)}/members.json"
.get() (err, _, body) ->
  return res.send "Sorry, the tubes are broken." if err
    data = JSON.parse(body.toString("utf8"))

The command then builds the URL to get the json feed from Discourse and loops over its dataset to produce an output similar to below.

Output of 'show mentor group info'

Now any Team Leader can request a group’s information and see who hasn’t been active for a while and follow up with those members. Just like the prior script, you will need to start Hubot, however, we’ll need to add a new environment variable to the start script that contains the Discourse URL we plan to run our script against. For the sake of this article, let’s use Sitepoint’s Discourse instance.


Now in Slack you can execute the command:

<bot_name> show mentors group info

Go on and Experiment!

Well that is Hubot in a nutshell. You’ve got the ability to integrate it with a multitude of adapters, a multitude of scripts, and you can even create your own using its API and a bit of CoffeeScript! So what are you going to create with it? Let me know in the comments below.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Hubot and Slack Integration

How can I install Hubot on Slack?

Installing Hubot on Slack involves a few steps. First, you need to create a new Hubot on the Hubot Github page. After creating your bot, you need to install the Hubot Slack adapter, which allows Hubot to communicate with Slack. This can be done by running the command npm install --save hubot-slack in your terminal. Once the adapter is installed, you need to add the adapter to the external-scripts.json file in your Hubot directory. Finally, you need to set up the environment variables for the Slack token and start the bot.

How can I customize Hubot for my Slack channel?

Hubot can be customized by writing your own scripts. These scripts define the behavior of your bot and can be written in CoffeeScript or JavaScript. You can add these scripts to the scripts directory in your Hubot installation. Hubot also supports community-contributed scripts which can be added to your bot by modifying the external-scripts.json file.

What are some useful commands for Hubot on Slack?

Hubot comes with a number of built-in commands that can be used on Slack. Some of these include hubot help which displays a list of all available commands, hubot ping which checks if the bot is responsive, and hubot echo <text> which makes the bot repeat whatever text you input. You can also create your own custom commands by writing scripts.

How can I troubleshoot issues with Hubot on Slack?

If you’re having issues with Hubot on Slack, there are a few things you can do. First, check the logs for any error messages. This can be done by running the command heroku logs --tail if you’re hosting your bot on Heroku. If you’re seeing errors related to missing dependencies, try reinstalling the dependencies with npm install. If you’re having issues with scripts not working, make sure they’re correctly added to the scripts or external-scripts.json file.

Can I use Hubot on multiple Slack channels?

Yes, Hubot can be used on multiple Slack channels. When you invite Hubot to a channel, it will be able to interact with users and respond to commands in that channel. You can invite Hubot to as many channels as you like, and it will operate independently in each one.

How can I update Hubot on Slack?

Updating Hubot on Slack involves updating the Hubot package and the Hubot Slack adapter. This can be done by running the command npm update in your Hubot directory. After updating, you may need to restart your bot for the changes to take effect.

Can I use Hubot to schedule messages on Slack?

Yes, you can use Hubot to schedule messages on Slack. This can be done by writing a script that uses the setTimeout function to delay the execution of a command. The command can be anything from sending a message to performing an action.

How can I make Hubot respond to direct messages on Slack?

Hubot can respond to direct messages on Slack just like it responds to messages in channels. All you need to do is invite Hubot to a direct message conversation, and it will be able to interact with you there.

Can I use Hubot to send automated messages on Slack?

Yes, you can use Hubot to send automated messages on Slack. This can be done by writing a script that triggers a message based on certain conditions. For example, you could write a script that sends a daily reminder at a specific time.

How can I uninstall Hubot from Slack?

Uninstalling Hubot from Slack involves removing the bot from your Slack workspace. This can be done by going to the “Apps” section in your Slack settings, finding Hubot in the list of installed apps, and clicking “Remove”.

Matthew WilkinMatthew Wilkin
View Author

I'm a programmer living in Central Ohio who enjoys tinkering with interesting technologies, building APIs, and designing back-end components.

CoffeeScripthubotjameshnodeNode-JS-Toolsregular expressionsslack
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