jQuery Pagination Plugins

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This popular article was updated in February, 2017, to reflect the current state of jQuery pagination plugins.

Presenting a long, unwieldy list of results is generally a poor approach to displaying your information. That’s why pagination, especially with longer content, is important to get right.

Server-side pagination is generally used to fetch paged content, displaying a set of results separated into pages (often with a unique URL). While that works fine, client-side pagination is another solution. Let’s have a look into some jQuery-based plugins that you can leverage to create paginated results.

TWBS jQuery Pagination

Simple jQuery Pagination example image

This plugin helps create simple, effective, and useful pagination for your site. All you need to do is specify an element (preferably a ul or div) and the plugin takes care of the rest. TWBS requires jQuery, the plugin itself, and optionally the Bootstrap CSS.

You might find this useful in situations where you already have the data ready and are just using the paginator to switch the content in view. You can hook into the onPageClick event and determine which page to load (or optionally run an Ajax call to pull results from your DB). Either way, this plugin is simple, easy to use, and provides several configuration options to suit your needs.

The plugin looks solid and has been maintained and updated across several revisions (now up to version 1.4.1). It’s a good library that looks like it will be maintained and expanded on in the future.

JQuery BootPag

jQuery BootPag pagination example

jQuery Bootpag lets you create a simple pagination control with minimal fuss. The plugin has several options, such as the ability to control the next/previous labels and various classes applied to the controller (such as on first, last and subsequent page elements)

To get up and running you’ll need jQuery, Bootstrap JS, and this plugin’s JS files. You’ll also probably want the Bootstrap CSS file unless you plan to style it yourself. Once you have those in place you can listen to the page event which is triggered when navigating between pages.

The event handles the page being requested and the event itself. It’s here you can pull in content or change the DOM. Another useful element is the href property that can be set. Setting this property lets you add an anchor link to the pages’ URL (e.g href: "#result-page-{{number}}") which adds the plugin’s internal page number to URL. You can name this whatever you like, but it’s useful for creating sets of data and maintaining state.

Where you might find this useful is instead of loading the first page by default, you could check to see if your URL contains a specific page and then initialize Bootpag to that page; loading page 7 of the results if someone navigated directly to there, for example.

The plugin hasn’t been updated since mid-2015, and is currently on version 1.0.7. However, it works as you’d expect and provides enough options for you to customize it as you require.

jQuery Datatable

jQuery datatable example image

jQuery Datatable (not to be confused with the almost identically named DataTables plugin) is a bit different to the others we’ve looked at. This plugin creates a paginated table for your data set. You can not only navigate through the paginated data, but also optionally filter and sort by fields.

To get up and running you’ll need to add both the datatable and datatable.jquery JS files to your project (there doesn’t appear to be a live CDN for these currently). Both of these are needed, along with jQuery, to get you up and running.

You will also need either Bootstrap for the styling or to style it yourself. A good place to start would be our CodePen which you can fork and go from there.

Datatable comes complete with a series of options that you can adjust to suit your needs. The docs provide a good overview on what you can accomplish by just adjusting settings.

Where Datatable shines is its powerful advanced configuration, such as adjusting which columns are filterable (and how they filter). You can use the filters option to determine what columns will be filterable and how (text input, select element, regex pattern etc).

The data pulled in by the plugin is directly from the table. However, you can specify an array of values/objects to populate the table. This would be helpful if you’re dynamically populating your list so its values aren’t collected from the DOM. The Ajax portion of the table can be set also so that it points to a specific endpoint and will pull in new info continually (perfect to ensure your table is kept in a consistent state).

The onChange event also is useful, letting you know what page you’re moving to and where you came from. The plugin handles the updating of the data in the table, but you could use this to run additional functions or perform some logic.

Overall, Datatable provides a fairly robust set of options to help you display, sort and paginate through your data set. The plugin repository looks to be fairly regularly updated (the current release is v2.0). There’s been a solid number of commits and from the looks of it, it improves with every version.

jPages Plugin

jPages plugin example image

jPages is a different style of pagination control plugin.

jPages also has support for both Animate.css and Lazy Load. Since it’s an older plugin you’ll need to test the most up to date version of each to see if they still work. To save you time, the Mosaic Demo page links internally to this version of Animate.css and the Lazy Load demo page links to this version of lazyload.js

The documentation for jPages is fairly decent considering it’s an older plugin. The docs outline the various properties you can adjust and the events to hook onto. You can adjust settings such as controlling pagination via scroll and adjusting the textual components for the buttons, amongst other things.

To get a basic example up and running, start by including the jPages JS file and then creating a basic HTML structure with your navigation bar at the top followed by a secondary container with your data. This plugin looks for the holder element and then looks for an adjacent sibling container.

<div class="holder"></div>
<ul id="itemContainer">

Now, you need to call the jPages function to set it all up, adding in a selector for the pagination control and its associated data container.

//find the `.holder' class and the 'itemContainer' element with our data
   containerID : "itemContainer"

Being an older plugin it’s not available on GitHub. The plugin’s website showcases several examples and outlines all of the properties/events you can hook in to. If you’re looking for an up-to-date plugin then this most likely won’t be it. Where this plugin excels is in creating customizable pagination blocks. With this plugin, you can create tables, galleries or even a basic slider.

jQuery Pajinate

Pajinate jquery image

jQuery Pajinate is an older, but still strong pagination plugin you can leverage for your sites. Its only purpose is to take a long list of elements inside a single container and spread them out across several ‘pages’. It’s different to some of our other plugins as it does the sorting/pagination directly on the content without you having to adjust anything. This might be beneficial but also means you’ll need to customize it more if that doesn’t suit your needs.

Note: Being an older library there are a few concerns:

  • The demo may throw an unsafe script error. This is because the demo page is requesting a resource over HTTP instead of HTTPS. When the script loads it works just fine (just be aware of the warning).
  • You’ll need to stick to jQuery 1xx or 2xx as the 3xx branch of jQuery has removed functionality the library depended on. Any of the first two works fine.

You’ll need to download the jQuery Pajinate script from its GitHub page and include it with your project (along with jQuery). Once you have those two elements you can set up the paginator by calling the pajinate() method.

By default, the plugin will look for certain elements in order to initialize. Pajinate will try to find an element where it will append its navigation elements, by default looking for the page_navigation element. It also expects to find another element inside which will contain the content, by default looking for the content element. These can be changed and set as properties when calling pajinate.

Here’s a basic example of how the markup should appear

<div id="page_container">
    <div class="page_navigation"></div>        
    <ul class="content">
        <li> <p>One</p> </li>
        <li> <p>Two</p> </li>
        <li> <p>Three</p> </li>
        <li> <p>Four</p> </li>
        <li> <p>Five</p> </li>
        <li> <p>Six</p> </li>
        <li> <p>Seven</p> </li>
        <li> <p>Eight</p> </li>

Along with the corresponding JS

  num_page_links_to_display : 3,
  items_per_page : 6,
  wrap_around: true,
  show_first_last: false

There are several other useful properties you can also set, such as the number of items to display and labels for the controls. The documentation at the bottom of their GitHub page outlines the properties you can adjust.

Overall, it’s an older plugin that hasn’t been updated for several years (since 2013). It works well on older versions of jQuery and because of that its place should be for legacy site builds (where you know you’ll be stuck on an old jQuery version but you still need to add certain functionality).

This article was peer reviewed by Dominic Myers. Thanks to all of SitePoint’s peer reviewers for making SitePoint content the best it can be!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about jQuery Pagination Plugins

What are the key features to look for in a jQuery Pagination Plugin?

When choosing a jQuery Pagination Plugin, you should consider several key features. Firstly, the plugin should be easy to use and integrate into your existing code. It should also be customizable, allowing you to adjust the look and feel to match your website’s design. The plugin should also be responsive, meaning it should work well on both desktop and mobile devices. Additionally, it should support AJAX, a set of web development techniques used to create asynchronous web applications. Lastly, the plugin should have good documentation and support to help you troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

How do I integrate a jQuery Pagination Plugin into my website?

Integrating a jQuery Pagination Plugin into your website involves a few steps. First, you need to include the jQuery library and the pagination plugin script in your HTML file. Then, you need to initialize the plugin and configure it according to your needs. This usually involves specifying the number of items per page, the number of visible page links, and other options. Finally, you need to call the pagination function on the HTML element where you want the pagination to appear.

Can I customize the look of my jQuery Pagination Plugin?

Yes, most jQuery Pagination Plugins allow you to customize their appearance. This can be done through CSS, a style sheet language used for describing the look and formatting of a document written in HTML. You can change the color, size, shape, and position of the pagination links. Some plugins also provide pre-designed themes that you can use.

Are jQuery Pagination Plugins compatible with all browsers?

Most jQuery Pagination Plugins are designed to be compatible with all modern web browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. However, compatibility with older browsers, such as Internet Explorer, may vary. It’s always a good idea to check the plugin’s documentation for information on browser compatibility.

How do I troubleshoot issues with my jQuery Pagination Plugin?

If you’re experiencing issues with your jQuery Pagination Plugin, the first step is to check the console for any error messages. These messages can often provide clues about what’s going wrong. If you’re still stuck, you can refer to the plugin’s documentation or seek help from the community. Many plugin developers provide support through forums or issue trackers.

Can I use a jQuery Pagination Plugin with dynamic data?

Yes, many jQuery Pagination Plugins support dynamic data. This means that you can use them with data that is loaded asynchronously, such as data from an API. You will need to configure the plugin to work with AJAX, which may involve specifying a callback function to update the pagination when new data is loaded.

Do jQuery Pagination Plugins affect website performance?

jQuery Pagination Plugins can potentially affect website performance, especially if they are not properly optimized. However, most well-designed plugins are built with performance in mind and should have minimal impact on your website’s load time. To ensure optimal performance, it’s important to only use plugins from reputable sources and to keep them updated to the latest version.

How do I update my jQuery Pagination Plugin?

Updating your jQuery Pagination Plugin typically involves downloading the latest version of the plugin and replacing the old files with the new ones. It’s important to read the update notes or changelog before updating, as some updates may introduce breaking changes that could affect your website.

Can I use multiple jQuery Pagination Plugins on the same page?

While it’s technically possible to use multiple jQuery Pagination Plugins on the same page, it’s generally not recommended. Having multiple plugins can lead to conflicts and can make your code more difficult to maintain. Instead, it’s better to choose one plugin that meets all your needs.

Are jQuery Pagination Plugins accessible?

Accessibility can vary between different jQuery Pagination Plugins. Some plugins are designed with accessibility in mind and include features like keyboard navigation and ARIA attributes. However, not all plugins are accessible out of the box, so it’s important to check the plugin’s documentation or ask the developer if you have specific accessibility requirements.

Simon CodringtonSimon Codrington
View Author

Full stack developer and overall web enthusiast. I love everything to do with web / design and my passion revolves around creating awesome websites. Focusing primarily on WordPress, I create themes, plugins and bespoke solutions.

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