No longer just a buzz phrase, Responsive Web Design is now an essential skill for every web designer and developer. Learn responsive techniques to make your designs look magnificent on any device, future proof them, and reduce development time and budget
This is a very informative course, maybe a bit above me for now. But I intend to use all the info when i create my new websites but i have a great deal more learning to do. So will refer back to this in a few days after i have mastered the other items on my learn now list. Certainly would recommend the course, is easy to understand as long as one is a bit aware of what the course is covering.
Excellent! Detailed, informative and current! Filled in some gaps.
Basic RWD techniques explained carefully and thoroughly with clear examples and interesting comments.
Essential reading for anyone making or maintaining a website in today's mobile world. A concise, well focused guide with heaps of useful techniques.
Great intro to nuts and bolts concepts for re-thinking web design
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