Using Regular Expressions to Check String Length

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Regular expressions are the ace up the sleeve of many of the most talented programmers out there. With a solid understanding of how regular expressions work, it’s sometimes possible to bypass a tangled mess of conditional logic and recursive function calls with a simple one-liner that just gets the job done much more efficiently.

One of the convenient places to use regular expressions is when doing form validation. With HTML5 it’s possible to enforce attributes like field length, but if someone tries to mess with your security and post values without using the form, you need to be able to verify that what you intended and what you’re getting are consistent.

To check the length of a string, a simple approach is to test against a regular expression that starts at the very beginning with a ^ and includes every character until the end by finishing with a $. You specify the number of characters you want to accept by putting that value inside curly braces right before the ‘$’ at the end.

Exact Length

For example, if I wanted a regular expression that had to consist of exactly seven letters, I might write a regular expression like this:


This will match a seven-letter string like ‘abcdefg’ but not any string longer or shorter than seven letters, and certainly not any string containing anything else but letters.

Length Range

It might be more sensible for real users if I also included a lower limit on the number of letters. To do this, just add a lower value and a comma before the upper limit inside the curly braces:


Now any set of letters between three and seven letters will be matched.

Minimum Length

If, on the other hand, I just wanted to set the lower limit, I could leave off the second value, as long as I included the comma:


Now a string of at least three letters, but extending to any length, and containing nothing other than letters, will be matched. Depending on your language, that could be a complicated proposition to test for without the convenience of regular expressions.

Learn how to use regular expressions in your coding, and you will start discovering a wide range of useful applications. They may look cryptic at first, but becoming adept with regular expressions will pay off in the long run.

FAQs on Using Regular Expressions to Check String Length

What Is the Purpose of Using Regular Expressions to Check String Length?

Regular expressions, often abbreviated as regex, are a powerful tool used in programming to match patterns within strings of text. When it comes to checking the length of a string, regular expressions can be incredibly useful. They allow you to set specific conditions for the length of a string, such as a minimum or maximum number of characters. This can be particularly useful in situations where the length of the input is crucial, such as password validation or ensuring that a user’s input meets certain criteria.

How Can I Use Regular Expressions to Check If a String Is of a Specific Length?

To check if a string is of a specific length using regular expressions, you can use the curly braces {} syntax. For example, if you want to check if a string is exactly 7 characters long, you would use the regular expression .{7}. The dot . matches any character, and the {7} specifies that the preceding character should occur exactly 7 times.

Can I Use Regular Expressions to Check for a Range of Lengths in a String?

Yes, you can use regular expressions to check if a string falls within a certain range of lengths. This is done by specifying the minimum and maximum length within the curly braces {}. For example, the regular expression .{5,10} would match any string that is between 5 and 10 characters long.

How Can I Use Regular Expressions to Validate the Minimum Length of a String?

To validate the minimum length of a string using regular expressions, you would use the curly braces {} syntax with the minimum length and a comma. For example, the regular expression .{5,} would match any string that is at least 5 characters long.

Can Regular Expressions Be Used to Check the Length of a String in Any Programming Language?

Regular expressions are a feature that is available in many programming languages, including JavaScript, Python, Ruby, Java, and more. However, the exact syntax and features of regular expressions can vary slightly between different languages. It’s always a good idea to check the documentation for your specific language to understand how to best use regular expressions.

Are There Any Limitations to Using Regular Expressions to Check String Length?

While regular expressions are a powerful tool, they are not always the most efficient way to check the length of a string. In many programming languages, there are built-in methods to check the length of a string that can be more efficient and easier to read. However, regular expressions can be more flexible and can check for more complex patterns.

How Can I Use Regular Expressions to Check the Maximum Length of a String?

To check the maximum length of a string using regular expressions, you would use the curly braces {} syntax with a comma and the maximum length. For example, the regular expression .{,10} would match any string that is up to 10 characters long.

Can I Use Regular Expressions to Check the Length of a String Without Considering Whitespace?

Yes, you can use regular expressions to check the length of a string without considering whitespace. This can be done by using the \S character class, which matches any non-whitespace character. For example, the regular expression \S{5,10} would match any string that is between 5 and 10 non-whitespace characters long.

How Can I Use Regular Expressions to Check If a String Is Empty?

To check if a string is empty using regular expressions, you can use the caret ^ and dollar sign $ symbols, which represent the start and end of a string, respectively. The regular expression ^$ would match an empty string.

Can I Use Regular Expressions to Check the Length of a String in Real-Time, Such As While a User Is Typing?

Yes, you can use regular expressions to check the length of a string in real-time. This can be done by attaching a function that checks the length of the string to an event listener, such as the keyup event in JavaScript. This function would then be called every time the user types a character, allowing you to check the length of the string in real-time.

M. David GreenM. David Green
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I've worked as a Web Engineer, Writer, Communications Manager, and Marketing Director at companies such as Apple,, StumbleUpon, and Moovweb. My research into the Social Science of Telecommunications at UC Berkeley, and while earning MBA in Organizational Behavior, showed me that the human instinct to network is vital enough to thrive in any medium that allows one person to connect to another.

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