A bit too old for where rails is right now
This e-book will focus on setting your system up properly (for those systems that support it) and will fly a little lower than the typical 50,000 foot level of many tutorials.
A bit too old for where rails is right now
The book is nice, but talks about Rails 3.1 which is old now, should be updated to v.4.
I think this ebook is recommended to beginners users on Rails
Easy step by step learning process.
It was alright - if you use a Mac. The book shows you how to use RVM for ruby. RVM is only available for Mac. This book only showed how to use this, and did not explain a PC alternative, so it took about 10 minutes of me trying and failing to use this tutorial with another download package of ruby with rails for me to give up. Time for me to find another tutorial. I am sure this is great for Mac though, it has 3 good ratings right now.
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