Very useful book. Grade 10+
A comprehensive collection of ready-to-use PHP solutions.
average rating (30 votes)
Created by
Davey Shafik, Matthew Weier O'Phinney, Ligaya Turmelle, Harry Fuecks, Ben Balbo
Published by
Last Updated
1 November 2007
The reason over 20 million PHP based web sites exist today is that, when it comes to building data-driven web sites, getting started with PHP is extremely simple. But the time will come where you need to dive into more complex solutions and that's when the fun really starts…
Very useful book. Grade 10+
Thank you for this! Surely helped a lot!
Very useful book, nicely explained just what is needed for solving everyday tasks.
Very useful tips well explained with good references to further information
Good resource, but I am very unhappy that the books code is apparently no longer available for download.
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