A few mistakes in spelling made me wonder how much effort went into making sure it's of high quality. Unfortunately such flaws in appearance cast a shadow, even if the content may be very good.
A concise and practical guide to unit test your Vue.js components using Jest, the fully featured JavaScript testing framework. Learn shallow rendering, snapshot testing and dependency mocking, among other techniques.
Vue.js has become the most popular framework. People is excited about it, and that's no surprise given how productive, easy to use and flexible it is. You've probably already use it, but... Have you done testing in Vue.js?
Unit testing in modern component based JavaScript frameworks is not easy. Components are connected to each other and the browser adds a layer of UI, which makes everything so dependent while we must test components in isolation. We want the test suite to be reliable and to run fast as well.
This book shows you by practise how to test easily Vue.js components and take advantage of the fully featured Jest testing framework. It will guide you through testing styles and structure as well as testing behaviours of you Vue.js components. You'll see how to apply techniques such as snapshot testing, shallow rendering, module dependency mocking and module aliasing to make smoother and cleaner your tests.
A few mistakes in spelling made me wonder how much effort went into making sure it's of high quality. Unfortunately such flaws in appearance cast a shadow, even if the content may be very good.
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