A very good book. I have enjoyed it a lot. Beginners who wanted to lean Foundation framework, this is a highly recommended book for you.
This book is suitable for beginner to intermediate level web designers and developers. Experience of HTML and CSS is assumed, and some knowledge of JavaScript is helpful.
Get a Jump Start on building applications with Foundation today!
Developed by Zurb, Foundation is a hugely popular CSS framework that's making the once-arduous process of crafting responsive web designs a breeze! Foundation was the first open-source front end framework to be responsive, the first to be semantic, as well as the first to take a mobile first approach. Read this book and discover why Foundation is fast becoming a favorite tool of top web designers.
This book is suitable for beginner to intermediate level web designers and developers. Experience of HTML and CSS is assumed, and some knowledge of JavaScript is helpful.
A very good book. I have enjoyed it a lot. Beginners who wanted to lean Foundation framework, this is a highly recommended book for you.
An excellent resource for new users of Foundation! I imagine it would prove useful for experienced users as well.
I had previously been learning what I could about Foundation from the ZURB site. This book helped pull all the information together in a useful sequence that proceeded through all the steps needed to get started using this terrific and powerful framework. It actually answered some questions I had that I could never locate in the ZURB documentation. Would highly recommend this for anyone who is interested in getting started with Foundation. You absolutely need some basic html/css skills before cracking open Foundation - and the same for this book.
Its a great overview of the frame work. You need to have a basic knowledge of HTML and CSS. You can be up and running with Foundation after a few hours.
Well written, easy to follow. Some parts (code examples using version 5.5.2) need to be updated to the latest release.
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