Gone are the days of a static-layout web. We'll introduce you to the building blocks of responsive design capable of fantastic visuals across various devices. Go deep into grid systems, queries, responsive text, images and video to build websites and apps that respond to user input.
The pixel-perfect web is dead. The days of positioning elements on a web page and expecting them to always display exactly how we wanted are a distant memory; we now cope with the constant barrage of new and varied devices that our designs need to look fantastic on. Responsive web design is no longer a nice-to-have bonus feature, it’s an expected must-have.
This book aims to get you started understanding, and using, the suite of CSS and HTML tools available for responding to this new world of devices. It's highly practical, with plenty of examples throughout.
This book is suitable for for beginner-level designers and developers with understanding of HTML and CSS. Some JavaScript experience is useful for the later chapters.
Excellent book to start developing of responsive web applications.
I have been using responsive templates up until now but with this book, I can see myself out of the template page jungle very shortly.
Very very helpful and explaining and just what I needed, Thank you.
Up to this point, all of my responsive websites are responsive because of templates. This book is showing me how to do the same thing with code in an easy to understand way.
Helpful and explaining.
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