Take the monotony, hassle and overhead out of writing CSS by improving your workflow with Sass. Comparing the alternatives to Sass, exploring topics like variables, functions, nesting and extensions, then working through errors and architecture to give you a complete jump start to Sass.
Sass bridges the gap between what CSS can offer and what we as web developers need in our daily routine. Using Sass, you can write your stylesheets in a more concise, dynamic, and readable way, and cut down many of the tedious repetitive tasks that come with writing vanilla CSS. Sass simplifies your stylesheets, adding some useful features missing from CSS. Most importantly, Sass makes it easier to create web applications, takes out some monotony and overhead out of writing CSS, and will save you time.
This book provides a comprehensive introduction to Sass for the beginner. Knowledge of HTML and CSS is assumed, some experience with JavaScript or another programming language is helpful.
And I'm of the same opinion! It's fine!
I really enjoyed learnig from this book everything was well organized and super easy to grasp!
This book is a page turner. I finished reading this book and got comfortable with Sass faster than I had expected. What is to be truly appreciated is that the authors have taken due diligence to share their experience and perspective by way of showing some nice real-world examples and explaining them too. You rarely find this in books. Kudos to the authors for their efforts to help the reader. I'm expecting Sitepoint to have more books like this. Thanks again to the authors and sitepoint, for having published this book! :)
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