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There’s a lot of buzz around GraphQL and React, but have you ever wondered how to combine the two? Well, in this tutorial, that’s exactly what we’re going to do. I’m going to show you how to create a React-powered front end which talks to a GraphQL API on the server, and persists data to a database.
There’s a lot of buzz around GraphQL and React right now, but have you ever wondered how to combine the two to build amazing apps? Well, in this tutorial, that’s exactly what we’re going to do. I’m going to show you how to create a React-powered front end which talks to a GraphQL API on the server, and persists data to a database.
By the time you’ve finished reading, you’ll not only have built a working React/GraphQL app which you can use as a template for future projects, but you’ll have learned how the two technologies interact with each other and which pieces go where.
Clear and concise
It's a pretty good tutorial except for the GraphQL queries, which are shown to use String interpolation rather than GraphQL variables. It's even stated on graphql.org that using String interpolation is not the correct way for parametrized queries. The rest of the tutorial is pretty good tho.
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