for beginners, fast to read JavaScript programming book
Start taking down the zombie horde with rapid fire web development programs. This book introduces you to JavaScript and a wide variety of beginner programming topics like variables, conditional statements, loops and functions.
Start taking down the zombie horde with rapid fire web development programs. This book introduces you to JavaScript and a wide variety of beginner programming topics like variables, conditional statements, loops and functions.
You’ll understand the different types of variables available to you and how to create and utilize them for maximum damage to the undead.
We’ll discuss conditional statements (if/then statements) and talk about how to execute different code depending on whether something is true or not such as “There’s a zombie gnawing on your head!”
We’ll loop-dee-loop around the horde as we define and demonstrate the three kinds of JavaScript loops.
And finally, using functions and reusable code, we’ll land sucker punch after sucker punch after sucker punch on every zombie shuffling toward you.
While this book presents these concepts using JavaScript syntax and information, nearly all of the concepts are universal to programming languages everywhere. So come along for a jaunt through the apocalypse and stock your armory with plenty of programming tools and JavaScript finery. Next stop ending the apocalypse!
John is a storyteller with design and development skills. By day he designs and builds websites and mobile apps, by night he spins sci-fi stories at StoryLab (https://storylab.us) and counts his words carefully at https://8wordstories.com. He's a pineapple in disguise https://pineapplecomics.com and (as you know) tries to make learning web development fun by helping you kill zombies https://undead.institute.
for beginners, fast to read JavaScript programming book
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