Create Dynamic Web Experiences with Interactive SVG Animations

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Create Dynamic Web Experiences with Interactive SVG Animations

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Creating dynamic user experiences with interactive SVG animations is no longer an ability reserved for designers that have a solid coding background skillset. With the help of tools that make keyframe animation possible, and that facilitate the process of animating graphics in a WYSIWYG interface, interactive SVG animations are now a craft that anyone can master in a matter of hours.

As an integral part of modern web design standards, interactive animated vector graphics are a fantastic user experience elevating tool for both designers and developers. These types of dynamic visuals can captivate users’ attention more efficiently than static content, and have the clear advantage of lower production costs, compared to traditional video production costs.

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What are Interactive SVG Animations?

Interactive SVG animations are dynamic scalable vector graphics that allow users to interact with a web page or mobile app’s UI. SVG animations can respond to user interactions like mouse clicks/hovers, scrolling, touch events on mobile, and other similar event triggers.

The future-proof and performance-friendly advantages of using scalable vector graphics (such as infinite scalability, responsive design, lightweight file size, fast-loading times, and so on) carry over into the realm of interactive SVG animations. Design teams, and even solopreneurs, use them to create dynamic, immersive and engaging user experiences on the web or inside mobile apps.

What Are the Main Types of Interactive SVG Animations?

The main types of interactive SVG animations are:

  • interactive on-click /touch events (mobile tap)
  • interactive on-hover (mouse over)
  • interactive on-scroll (popular in scrollytelling)
  • interactive SVG animations with custom trigger events

Each of these types of interactive animated graphics can contribute immensely to the immersive user experience we all want to create for our customers. From subtle microinteractions to complex user-triggered sequences, interactive SVG animations will allow you to cast a wide net on your design goals and help you meet a diverse range of user needs and expectations (including those concerning usability/accessibility).

Interactive on-click / touch event SVG animations

An SVG animation that is triggered on-click or by a touch event can be set to play, pause, restart, reverse, and so on, with a mouse click or a tap on a mobile UI. You can also control how the animation responds on a second click. This type of interactivity is particularly effective at crafting an intuitive and easy-to-navigate interface.

On-click SVG animations are best used to deliver immediate system feedback to user input/tactile interaction. You can leverage them to guide users through the UI, to create memorable and responsive storytelling, and to upgrade the overall user experience at the same time.

Interactive on-hover SVG animations

SVG animations triggered on-hover (also referred to as hover effects) can be set to play on mouse-over, and pause, reset, reverse, or continue on mouse-out. This type of interactive asset introduces an extra layer of interest and engagement to any web page, allowing the user to be in control of turning static objects into dynamic ones.

Hover effects are best used to convey information based on the user’s particular interests, to increase the amount of time a viewer stays on-page (and consequently increasing the chances of said viewer becoming a customer), and to deliver the immersive and intuitive browsing experience that we’ve all come to expect from our favorite brands.

Interactive on scroll SVG animations

An SVG animation triggered on-scroll will play as the user scrolls through a web page/app. You can control how much of the animation should be visible in the viewport before the animation plays. As a user progresses down a page’s layout, your dynamic graphics will start playing and help you build a sophisticated visual narrative with little to no effort.

The design style associated with this type of interactive animation is referred to as “scrollytelling”. It’s exceptionally helpful in presenting users with information at an easier-to-digest pace, while also persuading viewers to explore more of your content.

Interactive SVG animations with custom trigger events

SVG animations support a lot of interactive trigger events. Animating interactive SVG programmatically will require a certain level of coding knowledge, but it can also be done with the help of tools such as SVGator’s Player JS API. This API enables external, code-based, and event-driven control of all animated SVG projects exported from the animation tool.

Customizing trigger events allows you to go beyond the conventional SVG interactivity settings (on-click, on-hover, on-scroll). You can create unique and highly tailored interactive experiences that align perfectly with the rest of your content, and with your brand’s identity.

The Most Popular Use Cases for Interactive SVG Animations

Interactive SVG animations are a perfect match for a diverse variety of web/app design contexts thanks to their inherent ability to enhance user engagement. The most popular use cases for dynamic interactive graphics include:

  • Immersive UX. Integrating dynamic and responsive animations into your website/app is the easiest failsafe way to create an immersive user journey. Whether you do it with subtle hover effects, scrollytelling, or intricate custom interactions, interactive SVG animations will not only capture attention but also guide users through a seamless, enjoyable and memorable digital experience.

  • Branding. Showcasing your brand identity with interactive SVG animations can take many shapes, including animated logos, mascots, iconography, in-app onboarding screens, and other similar brand assets. These can all help you create a visually striking impression that loyal customers and prospects alike will take note of. The goal is to use these dynamic graphics to reinforce brand identity and foster a meaningful connection with your audience

  • Digital marketing. Interactive SVG animations are versatile and impactful assets that every digital marketer should include in their toolkit. You can use them to upscale brand awareness and encourage user interaction. Everything from interactive animated ads and “Sign up” buttons, to hover effects for your product demos and infographics all increase the likelihood of a positive customer response to your CTAs (call-to-action).

  • Usability/accessibility. An effective solution to enhance both these two aspects of the user experience is the (correct) use of interactive SVG animation. You can improve usability by providing visual cues, immediate feedback, and building intuitive interactions with your animated vector graphics. When designed with accessibility in mind, SVG animations contribute to a more user-friendly design and ensure an inclusive experience for all users, including those with disabilities. Crafting digital experiences that are not only visually appealing but also accessible to a diverse audience is a win-win situation for us all!

  • E-learning. Creating engaging educational material with interactive animations is an excellent way to motivate learners, no matter what their proficiency level. Dynamic content facilitates better comprehension, and the interactivity factor encourages active participation and clearer understanding. Animated interactive infographics, quizzes, data flow diagrams, and other types of explainer SVG animations can help you simplify complex concepts in an entertaining way.

  • Mobile-first design. The infinite scalability of interactive animated SVG is a significant advantage when you’re trying to build remarkable user experiences for a mobile environment. Your animations will adjust seamlessly to any screen size without losing their crisp image quality. The lightweight nature of the SVG format is a major contributing factor to optimal UX on smaller screens, as loading times are cut short and performance goes unhindered.

How to Use SVGator to Create Interactive SVG Animations

You can use SVGator to create interactive animated SVG easily using the tool’s full-featured vector creator and editor, keyframe animation capabilities, and its interactive animation presets.

Most of the other options available for creating interactive SVG animations from scratch require a certain level of background coding knowledge, and even using JavaScript libraries involves a good amount of code writing. That’s why a no-code animation tool like SVGator is definitely worth exploring.

Here are some of this animation tool’s other notable features:

  • a variety of export options, including MP4, GIF, AVI, MOV, WebM, and MKV (MP4/MOV with transparency support)
  • cloud rendering and storage
  • a drag & drop asset library of categorized static and animated assets
  • video tutorials
  • an intuitive and beginner-friendly interface

When it comes to creating dynamic web experiences, SVGator has two options available:

  • Interactive animation presets — the fastest way to create interactive SVG animations.
  • Programmatic animation control — an advanced option for creating more complex, fully-customizable interactivity.

Interactive animation presets

A dropdown menu in SVGator’s Export panel interface offers easy access to a range of interactivity options. With these interactivity presets you can decide how your SVG animation should behave in response to user input, in literally just a few clicks.

Setting your animation to start on hover, or on click, and even choosing what happens on mouse-out or on a second click, drastically cuts down the time and effort needed to achieve impressive interactive animation effects. The editor’s real-time preview allows you to see exactly how the animation responds to interactions, making it easy to nail even the most finicky animation effects.

Programmatic control with SVGator’s Player JS API

SVGator’s Player JS API offers complete programmatic control over your SVG animations when it comes to interactivity settings. To make the most out of this feature, users do need to know their way around code writing. The results, however, are outstanding.

You can even set different trigger events between two or more animated SVG animations, which means the number of creative possibilities increases exponentially, when compared to the results you can achieve with the interactivity presets alone.


Building interactive user experiences with SVG animations feels like a cheat code, simply because of how effective and quick of a solution it is to implement. Interactive animated graphics can extend the visual appeal, usability, and accessibility of your website or app. They can also also improve the ability to captivate visitors, and ultimately convert them into paying customers.

Feature-packed animation tools like SVGator have helped level the playing field, making the process of animating interactive SVG much more accessible to creative professionals from all business fields.


How can an animation be interactive?

SVG animations can be interactive when they respond to user input like clicks, scrolling, mouse hovers or other trigger events. Tools like SVGator make it easy for anyone to create interactive SVG animations with its user-friendly interface, among other features, without the need for extensive coding, or any coding at all if you use the tool’s interactive animation presets.

Will interactive animations work on any device/browser?

Yes, interactive SVG animations will work on most devices or browsers. Scalable vector graphics are supported by all major browsers. In fact, the animations will actually play exactly the same way they play in SVGator’s editor. That’s one of the best things about WYSIWYG design interfaces. Testing across browsers and devices is however a standard best practice we all need to follow to ensure a consistent user experience across the board.

Can interactive SVG have clickable links?

Yes, interactive SVG animations can have clickable links. The SVG format supports the <a> (anchor) element, which means you can add a hyperlink to the SVG code. When exporting your SVG project from SVGator, you can assign it a clickable link by using the Add hyperlink field in the Document section of the export panel.

Patricia EgyedPatricia Egyed
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Patricia Egyed is a seasoned content writer at SVGator. She writes on topics related to graphic design software, design tools, and motion design trends and best practices. With a passion for all things fuelled by creativity and always keeping up with industry news, Patricia delivers insightful articles that are a blend of inspiration and practical educational content. She is committed to being a resourceful ally to fellow designers and digital artwork enthusiasts.

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