I'm a (full-stack) web and app developer with more than 5 years' experience programming for the web using HTML, CSS, Sass, JavaScript, and PHP. I'm an expert of JavaScript and HTML5 APIs but my interests include web security, accessibility, performance, and SEO. I'm also a regular writer for several networks, speaker, and author of the books jQuery in Action, third edition and Instant jQuery Selectors.
Aurelio's articles

Discover how to master AJAX in jQuery for powerful asynchronous HTTP requests. Learn to control AJAX calls with detailed examples and tips.

Aurelio introduces let and const, two new ES6 keywords for defining variables, showing examples of how they work and how they differ from the var keyword.

Aurelio introduces ES6 methods that work with arrays — Array.* and Array.prototype.* — showing examples of them in action and listing available polyfills.

Aurelio introduces the new ES6 methods that work with strings — String.prototype.* — showing examples of them in action and listing available polyfills.

Aurelio introduces the new and improved ES6 number methods and constants, along with practical examples of how each works, and fallbacks for older browsers.

Aurelio De Rosa demonstrates the internationalization (i18n) & localization (l10n) of calendars, dates & currencies in JavaScript, using jQuery Globalize.
Aurelio De Rosa shows how jQuery Deferred objects help us escape "callback hell" and discusses the different implementations in jQuery 1.x/2.x and jQuery 3
Aurelio De Rosa continues his addiction to JavaScript by showing us how to make a mobile audio player that reacts to battery and light levels.
Aurelio De Rosa covers SoundManager 2, a library that makes it easier to play audio using JavaScript. The article also offers a complete demo to play with.
Isomorphic JavaScript applications are the future of the web. In this article Aurelio De Rosa examines the advantages they bring and the pitfalls to avoid.
Aurelio takes a look at three of the most exciting and useful JavaScript libraries — React.js, Meteor and Rendr.
Aurelio De Rosa finishes his guide to creating a functional, simple image gallery using the Flickr API, focusing on the style and logic of the service
Aurelio De Rosa explains how to set up an image gallery service using the Flickr API, starting with the basics — the requirements and markup
So, you've done well enough to make it to the interview stage, don't blow it now! Aurelio covers 5 mistakes for job candidates to avoid.
Don't risk missing the perfect candidate by making one of these mistakes. Aurelio De Rosa runs us through common areas where interviewers can go wrong.
This article shows how jQuery and the Web Storage API can be used to auto populate form data based on historic data.
This article looks at changes to QUnit in the 1.16 release.
This article explores the Chart.js library, which, as the name suggests, is used to create charts.
This article looks at the often overlooked aspect of accessibility. This article uses content, rotated using jQuery, as an example.
This article describes the Tablesorter jQuery plugin that is used to sort tabular data.
This article introduces sweetAlert, a library used for creating elegant alert messages.
This is a Learnable course covering Grunt, a task runner for JavaScript applications.
Aurelio De Rosa helps you brush up on your HTML skills by presenting 10 problems you might be asked to explain in a front-end developer job interview.
This article explains how to use the simple scrollReveal.js library.
This article creates a simple application that uses the Web Speech API to create an interactive form.
Aurelio De Rosa offers a description of 5 elements we used to be encouraged to use in HTML5, but are not not part of the spec, made obsolete.
This article discusses Stellar.js, a jQuery plugin used to implement parallax scrolling.
This article revisits the Screen Orientation API, which has recently undergone a number of breaking changes.
This article explores an experimental library named Saveba.js, which is used to save bandwidth on slow connections.
This article provides an overview of the Set and WeakSet data types which are new in ECMAScript 6.