I wish the forum wouldn’t leap to posting my thread before I’ve finished composing it. Anyway. Below is my mangled poem after attempting to use <p>
tags. The one I could not discipline is the break between “A wise man once said” and “He who is content with himself”. There is not supposed to be a space between those two lines… I give up. Help please.
And the larger issue since taking a perfectly formatted poem to this state of asymmetry is that my carefully tweaked ellipse is a ruin. If there’s anyone brave enough to tackle that demon I’ll dedicate the poem to him/her. Thank you.
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<title>__(shape-outside: ellipse) ᰄ by semicodin</title>
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/*▬▬▬▬▬▬ END CSS ▬▬▬▬▬▬*/
<div class="centindent1">
<a href="https://web.dev/articles/shapes-getting-started">Read Razvan Caliman’s 23-Page<br>
Primer on the CSS shape-outside</a>
</div><!-- CLOSING CENTINDENT1 -->
<div class="notes">
<a href="https://web.dev/articles/shapes-getting-started">property</a>. I’ve included the entire article as a .PDF in your .ZIP file — it’s good! The <span class="crim"><span class="undr">shape-outside: ellipse</span> shown here</span> allowed me to create two virtual ellipses for the poem to flow around. See <a href="https://semicodin.nekoweb.org/vault/shape-outside_(URL)_01.html">this page of mine</a> for more detail about shape-outside.
<div class="break">
The goal for this particular page was to <i>stylishly</i> move the text around an area of the parchment background that was too dark for black text. What I couldn’t have antcipated is the effect “sculpting” the text in this fashion would have upon the poem itself! There is a relationship between the two “waves” created by the <span class="crim"><span class="undr">space-outside: ellipse</span></span> used to form them: The resulting two stanzas of the poem draw from their shape new depth!
</div><!-- CLOSING BREAK -->
<div class="henpen">semicodin</div>
</div><!-- CLOSING NOTES -->
<div class="bkdimg2 tab1active">
<div class="ctr ctr2">
<div class="tab"><span class="tablabel3"><a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Merton">T. Merton</a></span></div>
<div class="ctr ctrmid">
<div class="tab"><span class="tablabel3"><a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhuang_Zhou">Chuang Tzu</a></span></div>
<div class="ctr ctr3">
<div class="tab"><span class="tablabel3"><a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhuangzi_(book)">“Zhuangzi”</a></span></div>
<div class="parch">
<div class="poem-a">
<div class="leada">
“The Empty Boat”
<div class="leadb">
From <i>“The Way of Chuang Tzu”</i>
<div class="leadc">
Interpreted by Thomas Merton, Trappist Monk<br>
<div class="twrap1">
<p class="circle">
He who rules men lives in confusion;<br>
He who is ruled by men lives in sorrow.<br>
Yao therefore desired<br>
Neither to influence others<br>
Nor to be influenced by them.<br>
The way to get clear of confusion<br>
And free of sorrow<br>
Is to live with Tao<br>
In the land of the great Void.</p>
<p class="circle circle2">
If a man is crossing a river<br>
And an empty boat collides with his own skiff,<br>
Even though he be a bad-tempered man<br>
He will not become very angry.<br>
But if he sees a man in the boat,<br>
He will shout at him to steer clear.<br>
If the shout is not heard, he will shout again,<br>
And yet again, and begin cursing.<br>
And all because there is somebody in the boat.<br>
Yet if the boat were empty,<br>
He would not be shouting, and not angry.</p>
</div><!-- ENDING TWRAP1 -->
<p class="break"></p>
<div class="indent">
If you can empty your own boat<br>
Crossing the river of the world,<br>
No one will oppose you,<br>
No one will seek to harm you.<br>
<p class="break">
The straight tree is the first to be cut down,<br>
The spring of clear water is the first to be drained dry.<br>
If you wish to improve your wisdom<br>
And shame the ignorant,<br>
To cultivate your character<br>
And outshine others;<br>
A light will shine around you<br>
As if you had swallowed the sun and the moon:<br>
You will not avoid calamity.</p>
<p class="break">A wise man has said:</p>
<div class="indent">
“He who is content with himself<br>
Has done a worthless work.<br>
Achievement is the beginning of failure.<br>
Fame is the beginning of disgrace.”
<p class="break">
Who can free himself from achievement<br>
And from fame, descend and be lost<br>
Amid the masses of men?<br>
He will flow like Tao, unseen,<br>
He will go about like Life itself
With no name and no home.<br>
Simple is he, without distinction.<br>
To all appearances he is a fool.<br>
His steps leave no trace. He has no power.<br>
He achieves nothing, has no reputation.<br>
Since he judges no one<br>
No one judges him.</p>
<p class="break"></p>
<div class="indent">Such is the perfect man:<br>
His boat is empty.
<p class="foot">
[xx. 2.]<br>
[xx. 2, 4.]<br>
</div> <!-- Closing POEM-A -->
</div> <!-- Closing PARCH -->
<div class="contact">
<div class="here">
<p class="cinlink">
<a href="https://semicodin.nekoweb.org/(shape-outside_ellipse)_01">
Code Here.</a>
<div class="nothanks">
All <p> tags by Writ of Order:<br>
Paul O’Brien at the Sitepoint Forums.
<div class="quest">
Got Questions? You can PM me at<br>
<a href="https://sitepoint.com/community/c/html-css/25">the Sitepoint Forums</a><span class="clambu35">!</span><br>
<div class="end">
<a href="https://semicodin.nekoweb.org/toc.html">
</div><!-- CLOSING CONTACT -->