RIP Jason Knight A.K.A DeathShadow

From Jason’s friend Auctavia. Dear family and friends of Jason Knight. I regret to inform you that Jason passed away in his sleep on Thursday May 23rd. Most likely due to any one of his many health issues. I found him in his bed on Saturday the 25th. His friend Kate and I are devastated over this loss. Jason meant so much to us both. I’m honored to have been friends with him since we were little. Jason was so incredibly intelligent, funny, a caring person and one of the best friend one could have ever asked for.


I didn’t know DeathShadow personally but we interacted with each other on some posts. I do know Jason was old school and didn’t like the way programming was going. I know I learn a few things from DeathShadow like doing the easy way isn’t the always the best way.


Thanks for letting us know, @benanamen. He was quite a character. It’s a pity he was so irascible, as it would have been great to have him around here more. It’s sad to know so much knowledge and intelligence just goes down the drain like that when we die, but that’s life! We will remember him. :slight_smile:


Jason was my go to coding hero from the
very moment that I saw him use these two
terms “Turdpress” and “Bootcrap”.

He was a master of “calling a spade a spade.”


Sad news :frowning_face:

I was pulled up a couple of times by DeathShadow in my early days and while his methods we somewhat direct, I certainly learned a thing or two from him.

Never a truer word said.


That’s very sad. He was extremely knowledgeable about web development and never minced words. He was one of a kind and although we crossed swords a few times I had the utmost respect for him. I shall miss reading his articles.


I am still in shock over this, your here then your not here. I would like to try to keep his legacy alive the only way i know how and that is the host his old site as an archive only. Its only been alittle over 30 days and i dont want to start poking around trying to find family members now, its way too soon and would be considered disrespectful IMO. I think maybe by the first part of August things may be different, we will see. Someone has already reached out to a friend and we are awaiting reply, but i dont want to press it and piss someone off ya know.

So until then i would like to find out if he has an obituary to leave condolences to family, and where he is burried so that i may pay respects one day.

I believe his full name is Jason P. Knight from Londonderry, NH, i believe this is him

here is his facebook and picture as well so we can put a name to a face.

Dave :slight_smile:


A guy that calls Wordpress Turdpress and Bootstrap Bootcrap is my kinda guy. RIP, Jason, even though I didn’t know you personally.


His linkedin shows he lived in keene NH, not sure which is correct.

RIP the man the leg end Jason!

You taught me a lot and I will miss your direct no nonsense approach to programming, etc…long life your cyber legacy!