I am using this project https://codepen.io/talleyran/full/eLbjRN but i am not able to increase a width of this tree structure I am using " Vertical tree with root" I needed in a way that it’s fit to the screen . I try increasing a width But id doesn’t work .
That’s not really built to be fluid as its always the last row that needs to stretch and it can’t really do that as it is nested in the element above. A lot of measurements are also in pixels which makes it even harder. A grid layout would probably have been better for a more fluid layout.
You can stretch the initial layout with the following code but if you add more rows then they will start to overflow the screen.
@media screen and (min-width: 800px) {
body {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
body > div {
flex: 1 0 0;
margin: 1rem;
.tree.vertical li {
flex: 1 0 100%;
(It won’t be much use though if you are adding a lot of content instead of the node text that’s there at present.)
These tree structures can soon become complicated and unwildly and require masses of horizontal space. We had a question a while back that resulted in this demo.
Just for fun I had a go at coding my own version for a fluid width.
It’s a lot simpler than that other one but you soon run into space issues with a lot of nodes (as would any of them I guess). (The hardest part is adding the new nodes in the right place in the nested html.)