Add svg on exists path


I had an exsits path that represent line with arrow:

<path {...lineProps} id={id} />

it looks like:

enter image description here

is there a chance to add the next svg in the middle of the current link:

<svg width="32" height="18" viewBox="0 0 32 18" fill="none" xmlns="">
<rect width="32" height="18" rx="9" fill="#F8788F"/>
<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M13.6531 10.9423L12 9.28917L10.3468 10.9423L10.0577 10.6532L11.7109 9.00003L10.0577 7.34693L10.3468 7.05784L12 8.71094L13.6531 7.05784L13.9421 7.34693L12.289 9.00003L13.9421 10.6532L13.6531 10.9423Z" fill="#FEFEFF"/>
<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M13.6531 11.4001L12 9.74695L10.3468 11.4001L9.59993 10.6532L11.2531 9.00003L9.59992 7.34693L10.3468 6.60006L12 8.25316L13.6531 6.60006L14.3999 7.34693L12.7468 9.00003L14.3999 10.6532L13.6531 11.4001ZM12.289 9.00003L13.9421 7.34693L13.6531 7.05784L12 8.71094L10.3468 7.05784L10.0577 7.34693L11.7109 9.00003L10.0577 10.6532L10.3468 10.9423L12 9.28917L13.6531 10.9423L13.9421 10.6532L12.289 9.00003Z" fill="#FEFEFF"/>
<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12.0001 13.7081C13.3154 13.1808 14.0955 12.8115 14.6823 11.926C15.302 10.9909 15.7984 9.31606 15.8863 5.9205C14.5265 5.74148 13.1976 5.26052 12.0002 4.4796C10.8027 5.26052 9.4738 5.74148 8.11402 5.9205C8.20188 9.31606 8.69829 10.9909 9.31803 11.926C9.90483 12.8115 10.6849 13.1808 12.0001 13.7081ZM11.7768 14.911C11.9199 14.968 12.0804 14.968 12.2235 14.911L12.2434 14.9031C15.0408 13.7903 16.9994 13.0112 17.0964 5.40383C17.1006 5.07248 16.8312 4.80237 16.5007 4.77785C15.0545 4.67052 13.6299 4.17427 12.3834 3.2891C12.1546 3.12662 11.8457 3.12662 11.6169 3.2891C10.3705 4.17427 8.94583 4.67052 7.49961 4.77785C7.16914 4.80237 6.8997 5.07248 6.90392 5.40383C7.00086 13.0112 8.95954 13.7903 11.7569 14.9031L11.7768 14.911Z" fill="#FEFEFF"/>

it looks like:
enter image description here

eventually it should look like:

enter image description here

So what does the path look like that draws the arrow?

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