I follow a serie to make like/dislike button and in vue page I can see the buttons but when I click like/dislike button it doesn’t work and there’s no error too so please how to fix that
I add code in : routes , models and productController:
and I add Ratings.vue in ressources/js/components:
<div class="likes text-right">
<a @click="sendRating('like')" :class="{ active: currentStatus == 'like' }">
<i class="fa fa-thumbs-up"></i> {{ likesCount }}
<a @click="sendRating('dislike')" :class="{ active: currentStatus == 'dislike' }">
<i class="fa fa-thumbs-down"></i> {{ dislikesCount }}
export default {
props: {
'productId': Number,
'status': String,
'likes': Number,
'dislikes': Number
data() {
return {
'likesCount': this.likes,
'dislikesCount': this.dislikes,
'currentStatus': this.status,
'unrated': ''
computed: {
successMessage: function () {
return 'You have ' + (this.currentStatus || this.unrated) + 'd this post';
methods: {
sendRating: function (type) {
axios.post('/products/rate', {
product_id: this.productId,
.then(({data}) => {
this.likesCount = data.likes;
this.dislikesCount = data.dislikes;
this.unrated = data.unrated ? ('un' + type) : '';
this.currentStatus = !data.unrated ? type : '';
.catch(({response}) => {
var message = response.data.errors && response.data.errors[Object.keys(response.data.errors)[0]] ?
response.data.errors[Object.keys(response.data.errors)[0]][0] :
<style scoped>
.likes a {
font-size: 1rem;
color: #cccccc;
padding-left: 0.5rem;
cursor: pointer;
.likes a:hover {
color: #777777;
.likes .active {
color: #999999;
then I add in site.js:
Vue.component('ratings', require('./components/Ratings.vue').default);
then npm run watch
then in vue.blade.php I add:
:product-id="{{ $product->id }}"
status="{{ auth()->check() && $product->ratings->count() ? $product->ratings->first()->pivot->type : '' }}"
:likes="{{ $product->likes_count ? $product->likes_count : 0 }}"
:dislikes="{{ $product->dislikes_count ? $product->dislikes_count : 0 }}"